We make benefits enrollment easy for employers and employees! We meet face to face with your employees for a thorough explanation of products and services offered...
We offer a wide variety of services designed to improve your benefit communication and enrollment experience for your employees, including our specialty: on-site, face-to-face enrollments with professional, salaried benefits counselors.
- Complete benefit communication and enrollment
- Understandable benefit statements
- Increased benefits awareness and participation
- New hire orientation and benefit enrollment
- Customer service staff
- Experienced benefits counselors for one-on-one communication, on-site education and enrollment
- Employee education campaigns tailored for each client, including print and electronic media
- Group meetings and/or one-on-one meetings
We provide a complete approach to ensure ongoing success of future enrollments and your employees' satisfaction with the enrollment process.
- Personalized pre-communication campaign to provide employees with a thorough understanding of products and services being offered
- Hands-on enrollments; our enrollment meetings, whether group or 1-on-1, are led by experienced enrollment specialists with an emphasis on educating employees. We also offer the flexibility to conduct sessions face-to-face
- Post-enrollment review; we perform a detailed analysis of enrollment results and trends which we review with you to determine how to enhance future open enrollments